Monday, May 20, 2013

My Personal Goals

Goal Setting is extremely important and everyone should set goals for themselves to help  make their dreams a reality. It not only gives you a sense of accomplishment because of the past victories of goals, it motivates you so you can be aware of your weaknesses and turn them into strengths.  Goals give you a path to follow, and help you plan actions to achieve what you want. 

Goals are what separate wishful thinking from real life.

Through goal settings, dreams come true.

I personally have many goals. My first goal, at the moment is to graduate and get my High School Diploma. 
After graduating high school, I hope to move on to University, and receive a teaching degree. With this degree I want to become an Elementary School teacher. After teaching Elementary, I hope to one day be able to go back home, and help women in my country receive a better education. As a mother, one of my main goals in life is to give my children the best life I can offer. I want my children to be successful in their lives, and I want them to finish high school and University with high grades, and to live a wonderful life. 
In conclusion, I want to finish school, so I can become a teacher, and be able teach young children, and women. I also want to work with my children so they can have the best life possible.

What do you think about goal setting? Do you have any goals?
Leave your response in the comment section below
Thank You

Lessons Learned in Life

In my life, I have learned a countless amount of things. Every year things get harder and harder, and you learn more and more things. Knowledge is never ending. You learn something new everyday. There are a countless amount of important lessons I have learned in my life, but today I will share with you the five that are closest to my heart. 

The first one is don't be naive. When you are truthful and innocent, and nice to everybody, people will most likely take advantage of you.  I am not saying don't be truthful and nice, I am just saying be careful, and don't open yourself up to everybodySecondly,  following the first lesson, is be careful with who you call your friends. Don't befriend the wrong people, they will most likely have a negative effect on you, and your life; "Its better to be alone, than in the wrong company." Surround yourself with people who are nice, and accepting of who you are, and will help you be a better person. Next is, be open minded. As I mentioned before, knowledge is never ending. Be open minded, try and learn new things, and it will only help your brain flourish, and cause you to grow as a person. The fourth lesson is patience. If something doesn't work out how you want it, be patient and learn from your mistakes. Remember that everything that happens to you is just an experience, and you have to learn from it in the future. Also remember that all good things come with time, and if you work hard it will pay off. The last lesson is to value education. Education is the key to a successful life. With a good education you will be able to finish school, and get into the career of your dreams. You will meet great people, start a family, do well financially, and overall live a great life. 

All in all the 5 lessons were:

1. Don't be naive
2. Be careful with who you call your friends
3. Be open minded
4. Be patient
5. Value Education

I hope you take something from this, and that these lessons will help you in the future! 

Vancouver 2011 Stanley Cup Riot

The 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Riot was a public disturbance that occurred in downtown Vancouver on Wednesday June 15, 2011. This riot happened right after the Vancouver Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins in game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals. This won the Stanley Cup for Boston. 140 people were reported to have been injured, and 117 were arrested. 

I was very upset when I watched what was happening on TV that night. I love the Canucks too, but rioting after their loss has no benefits. It won't help them win, and it wont change the fact that Boston won. We should encourage them so they can do better next time instead of causing so much harm and destruction to our city.

The fact that they lost the Stanley Cup when they were so close is really upsetting, but there was really nothing to be done except work towards the next game. Its not the end of the world. I love Vancouver, and I have lived here for over 15 years. Destroying and damaging our beautiful city over a game is horrible. Sports are meant to be played for fun. They were created just for enjoyment. I hope that next time our team loses, instead of staging something dangerous like a riot, the fans accept it, and work towards encouraging them for their next game.

Some pictures from the Stanley Cup 2011 Riot:

My Favorite Book of All Time: The Holy Quran

The Holy Quran

My favorite book of all time is the Holy Quran. The Quran is the holy book of Islam. I love reading the Quran and I read it every day. The reason I love the Quran is because unlike other books, it is not only for entertainment. The Quran is the complete code of life. If you follow the Quran you will live the best life possible. The Quran gives the reader complete guidance. It not only helps you deal with the worldly affairs of this life, but it helps you be successful in the hereafter as well. Every single aspect of life is mentioned and discussed in the Quran, and that is why I love it so much.The Quran is also full of numerous interesting short stories, all with very important morals. Unlike other books, I can read the Quran over and over again, and never get tired of reading it. When I am resting, I also enjoy, and find peace in listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran. In conclusion, my favorite book of all time is the Holy Quran. I love this book because not only is it full of interesting stories, it is also a way of life. The Quran teaches you anything you need to know about any aspect of life. Unlike other books, the Quran can be read over and over again, and every time you will learn something new.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I love parties. They are always fun-filled, and they are an amazing way to catch up with, and socialize with all of my friends. I love to go to parties, because I can meet with all of my best friends and always have a great time. I really enjoy getting ready to go to parties. I love getting all dressed up. I always feel excited and happy whenever I wear a new dress, or put on an outfit for a party. I also love the beautiful and delicious food they have at parties. I feel happy when I see the food at the parties, and even though I cant each much, I really enjoy it. My favorite part of parties, is the socialization. At parties I always joke around, laugh and have a good time with my friends. Therefore. that is why I love parties.